"In the Shadow of the Sixth"
Published from the artist's original work. |
US: $625.00
Image size: 74"w x 37"h. Edition Size:15 Published from the artist's original work. US: $2,750.00 |
“The Principle of Odd Numbers states that groupings of 1, 3, 5, 7, 9 (and so on) are far more pleasing to the eye than groupings of 2, 4, 6, 8,” says the artist. “That is, there is a greater symmetry of design in asymmetry than there is in symmetry. Too much balance is not as pleasing. Since artists aren’t known for being balanced, I tried breaking the rule by presenting six, as opposed to five, tepees. It turns out that the Principle is quite true unless, of course, you place one of the group of five 'In the Shadow of the Sixth . . .'”
“This painting shows an amalgamation of tepees that would be representative of many different tribes, and not any single encampment. As I stated above, this painting is really about trying to have fun with iconic design on a large scale. I have been asked about the black and white striped tepees and whether there would have been such a structure. That design belonged to a Crow Indian White Man Runs Him. He was a scout for General Custer. I met his granddaughter (possibly his great granddaughter) near the Little Bighorn battlefield.
While the Principle of Odd Numbers has something to do with the attraction of both these images, it is Gilleon’s contemporary vision of the West and its icons that collectors find so appealing
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