"Return To Countery Kitchin"

James Lumbers

BACK 950 s/n 27" x 18" $ 200.00 NEXT IMAGE


James Lumbers Prints Limited Quantities 416-828-1376

$125.00 LTO

The original painting called "Country Kitchen" was
completed years ago. That kitchen has long been abandoned
and left to the ravages of time. Even so, the touch of loving
hands still evident in the garden and inside the house say so
much about the home that is no more. The curious glance
of my grandson looking into the kitchen now moldy with the
years and a battle lost with nature could hardly imagine
the smell of fresh apple pie that once permeated the room.
The rusted Model "T" surrounded by flowers, the trailing
Clematis working its way in, the two Warblers sunning
themselves are also reminders of times past. James Lumbers

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