" A Game Of Checkers"
Boxing Day Sale 50% off James Lumbers Prints Limited Quantities 416-291-1971
$100.00 LTO
Many years ago there were two men who lived on neighbouring
farms near the area where I spent my childhood. Their names
were John Parker and Lou Stanton. They each had a single
passion and that was to beat each other at a game of checkers.
Every Saturday afternoon in this old drive shed, John and
Lou faced each other in their weekly battle of wits. The
old tractor (a Rock Island G-2) belonged to John until he
died in the 1930's. He left it to his lifelong friend Lou,
but he only survived two more years. Now and then people
say they can hear the click of checkers in the old shed,
but others say it's just the chickens. What do you think? James Lumbers
All Prices Subject To Change Without Notice
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